LouwCooperRasool Website

louw cooper rasool website  | Oonie Cape Town | Web Design and SEO Agency

LouwCooperRasool – new website

There was quite a lot of unnecessary stuff going on in the back end of, financial services company, LouwCooperRasool’s website so they then commissioned us to rebuild their primary site, as well as modernise it in line with their landing page.

We designed and built, and did SEO for, a landing page for LouwCooperRasool, to try and bring in more clients. It was designed to mirror the aesthetic of their primary website, but with a more modern look and feel to it.

For their website we began with downloading all the content and images from the old site, then did a complete wipe of the database. We then reinstalled WordPress, the theme we were going to use, and all the plugins we would need, all of which took about half a day

The challenge came when we began to populate the site with content, and had to decide how to modernise the site without doing very drastic layout changes. We kept the boxed layout of the previous incarnation of the site, but made the navigation background white. Where appropriate, we separated content on a page into definite sections by differently colouring the background of sections, and separating content laid out next to each other with a line in the middle. Additionally we gave any “Contact us” buttons a transition effect when a cursor hovers over it. The Contact Us page got a complete makeover to better utilise the available space, with the contact form having LouwCooperRasool’s blue as a transparent background colour.

We also did a moderate amount of work to make sure that the site is adequately responsive when viewed on smaller devices.

All in all it took us just under a week to rebuild the site, make it responsive and have the client check it, and implement the tweaks the client asked for. Over all we and, more importantly the client, are very happy with the result. It is modern, clean and professional looking. Exactly the right website for a great financial services company.

The old site:


The new site:

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